Shadow Beast: Creating Sin Vergüenza - 5/17/18

Event Flyer for Shadow Beast: Creating Sin Vergüenza, an art exhibition and mercado in San Antonio, TX on May 17, 2018.

Event Flyer for Shadow Beast: Creating Sin Vergüenza, an art exhibition and mercado in San Antonio, TX on May 17, 2018.

I'm so thrilled to be part this art exhibition in Texas! Gloria Anzaldúa's work played a fundamental role in my formative years. Although I will be unable to attend the event in person, I am so proud to be part of an art show which honors her legacy.

About the Exhibition:

In tandem with the 10th annual El Mundo Zurdo Conference, the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa invites you to Shadow Beast: Creating Sin Vergüenza, an art exhibition honoring the 30th Anniversary of Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza.  The show is curated by Rebel Mariposa, Jess Gonzales, and Eliza M. Perez

Show Opening: Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 6 p.m.  
At Galeria E.V.A., 3412 S. Flores St. San Antonio, TX 78204

Free and open to the public

This event is sponsored and hosted by The Society for the Study of Gloria E. Anzaldúa (SSGA) and Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

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