
AWP20 Conference - 3/7/20

AWP Conference - 3/7/20


It is an absolute honor to present at the Association for Writers and Writing Programs Conference on March 7, 2020 in San Antonio, TX.

I’m beyond ecstatic to be in conversation with these brilliant creators. My most profound gratitude to Tash and Isa of St. Sucia for organizing this panel.

Check out the info below.

About the Event:

S260. Latinx in Zines: Creating Space for Underrepresented Voices
Room 212, Henry B. González Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Saturday, March 7, 2020
3:20 pm to 4:35 pm 

Natasha Hernandez, chicana editor of St. Sucia, international feminist zine, will moderate Anakaren Ortiz Varela, queer Mexican editor of La Liga, a decolonial latinx zine, Rebecca Gonzales, WOC whose work explores East LA roots and life, Yeiry Guevara, writer and translator whose poetry explores Salvadoran American identity, and Breena Nuñez, a grad student and cartoonist whose work explores Afrolatinx nonbinary identity. We will explore panelists’ zine journeys and how they have used this space to challenge the larger literary world.

Full Event Details Here

LA Times Festival of Books - 4/14/19

all Salvi women panel at the country’s biggest literary festival! OMG!

It was a  true honor to present on this panel titled “Cultural Preservation Through Writing” at the LA Times Festival of Books 2019. I was alongside the amazing Marty Preciado, Yesika Salgado and Karla T. Vasquez. These women have my complete admiration and I was over the moon excited to share a stage with them. Thank you Marty for making this happen. Thank you Yesika and Karla for the necessary and beautiful art you both create. Thank you siblings for the immense support. Thank you all who showed up and/or sent your support from abroad.

L.A., you have my heart always.

Left to right: Marty Preciado, Yeiry Guevara, Yesika Salgado, Karla T. Vasquez for L.A. Times Festival of Books 2019

Left to right: Marty Preciado, Yeiry Guevara, Yesika Salgado, Karla T. Vasquez for L.A. Times Festival of Books 2019

Check out our interview with Bla Blah Show TV, broadcasted nationally in Mexico.

Sunday, April 14, 2019  
10:30 - 11:30 am
University of Southern California, Salvatori Computer Science Center 101
See link for event info - requires a ticket! RSVP there.

Event Photos